WAY Sunday Class for Children


Our Sunday class will be resuming very soon in July. Kindly refer to the posters for details!


If you wish to register your child for the classes or find out more information, kindly drop an email to way1966@gmail.com .

Thank you!

Ajahn Dhammasiha’s Visit

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!

Ajahn Dhammasiha will be in Singapore for a visit next week, from 22nd-24th June. Details of his visit are shown in the poster below.


If you have any enquiry, kindly contact us through our email way1966@gmail.com or Facebook account “WAY SG”.

_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_

Dhamma Lessons & Retreats by Ajahn Ukkhansa

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Ajahn Ukkhansa will be in Singapore from May till June and during this period he will be teaching dhamma and leading retreats. Please refer to the poster below for his schedule and details.

Meditation Retreat_Poster 2017 (2.5)-13

To ensure that food and space is enough for everyone, please sign up at the links below.

Sunday Retreat @PAMC:
Saturday Retreat @BF East & Wat Ananda:

If you have any queries, please send them to our email or FB page.

_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_

Dana & Dhamma Talk with Tahn Ajahn Dtun

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!

Ajahn Dtun will be visiting Singapore the 10th to 12th of March. Kindly refer to the poster for details.

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-06 at 8.17.45 AM

If there are any queries, kindly send an email to way1966@gmail.com or drop a message at our facebook page.

Thank you!


_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_