Dana, Chanting & Meditation with Luang Phor Piak

Greetings Brother and Sisters!

Luang Phor Piak will be in Singapore for short visit from the 24th to 25th of February. Kindly refer to the posters for details.

LP Piak poster - Feb 2018

If you have any queries, kindly drop an email to way1966@gmail.com or drop us a message at our Facebook page.

Thank you!


_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_

Ajahn Cattamalo Dhamma Talk & Retreat

Dear Brother and Sisters,

In the coming new Year, Ajahn Cattamalo will be visiting Singapore for a short retreat. He will also be giving a series of talk.

Kindly refer to the posters for more details.

Thank you!


LP Liem SG Dhamma Tour – 23 to 25 Sept 17

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Luang Por Liem will be in Singapore for a short tour from 23rd of September to 25th of September. Kindly refer to the attached poster for info.
Luang Por Liem visit

If there are any queries, kindly send an email to way1966@gmail.com or drop a message at our facebook page.

Thank you!


_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_


Meditation with Ajahn Wimokkha

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

There is a upcoming meditation session with Ajahn Wimokkha in the month of October. Ajahn Wimokkha will be giving a short course that can be very useful for beginners in kicking off their meditation practice and also, further reinforce the foundations of advanced practitioners. For more info, kindly direct your queries to the number provided in the poster.




Thank you!


_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_