26 Jun (Fri), 7.30pm – Talk
27 Jun (Sat), 11.00am – Dana
28 Jun (Sun), 9.30am – Talk
28 Jun (Sun), 11.00am – Dana
Above activities are held in Wat Ananda. Talks will be held in the new building, level 3.
Pls see attached poster for his entire programme.
Ajahn Dhammasiha was ordained as a Theravāda Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka in June 1995, with most Ven. Pandita K. Sri Jinavamsa as preceptor. In 1998 he went to Australia and started training in the tradition of Ajahn Chah, first at Bodhinyana Monastery in Perth, and later at Vimokkharam, a quiet Forest Hermitage in Melbourne’s Dandenong Ranges. During this period, he was fortunate to receive teachings from some of the foremost living teachers of the Thai Forest Tradition, like Tan Ajahn Tui and Tan Ajahn Plien, on their visits to Australia.
Ajahn Dhammasiha arrived in Brisbane in 2007 on invitation by Brisbane Buddhist Vihara, to help in establishing a forest monastery in South East Queensland. He is now the abbot of Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, the first forest monastery in Brisbane.