Category Archives: Forest Way

Dhamma Lessons & Retreats by Ajahn Ukkhansa

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Ajahn Ukkhansa will be in Singapore from May till June and during this period he will be teaching dhamma and leading retreats. Please refer to the poster below for his schedule and details.

Meditation Retreat_Poster 2017 (2.5)-13

To ensure that food and space is enough for everyone, please sign up at the links below.

Sunday Retreat @PAMC:
Saturday Retreat @BF East & Wat Ananda:

If you have any queries, please send them to our email or FB page.

_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_

LP Liem SG Dhamma Tour – 23 to 25 Sept 17

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Luang Por Liem will be in Singapore for a short tour from 23rd of September to 25th of September. Kindly refer to the attached poster for info.
Luang Por Liem visit

If there are any queries, kindly send an email to or drop a message at our facebook page.

Thank you!


_/\_ Sadhu! _/\_


Luang Por Damrong Dhamma Tour in SG

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Kindly take note that Luang Por Damrong will be taking over Luang Por Boon Chu due to health issues.


Please visit our website or FB to receive updated news on our events and activities.

_/\_ Sadhu _/\_

Meditation Retreat with Bhante Ukkansa (22 Apr, 29-30 Apr)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Bhante Ukkansa is in Singapore and will be leading a retreat on the 22nd of Apr and 29-30 Apr at Buddhist Fellowship West and WAY respectively.

Kindly refer to the poster below for exact details.

Weekend Meditation Retreats with Bhante Ukkansa

If you have any questions, you may pose them on our FB page or drop an email to this email address:

_/\_ Sadhu _/\_


Luang Por Piak in Singapore from 25-26th of March @ Paleilai Temple

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Luang Phor Piak will be here in Singapore for a short stay from 25-26th of March. He will be staying in Paleilai Temple during his stay. Kindly refer to the poster below for details.


If there are any questions or doubts, you may pose them on our FB page or drop an email to this email address: .
